Fix Meta’s biased AI chatbot

Meta’s “Practical Dating Coach” AI chatbot perpetuates tired myths and harmful stigmas around non-monogamous relationships. We’re calling on them to fix it – and fast.

Meta recently introduced an AI-powered “practical dating advice” chatbot that users can interact with on Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. When it launched, the chatbot repeated harmful myths about consensual non-monogamy and explicitly discouraged users from exploring alternative relationship styles:

A graphic depicting two chat bubbles. The first chat bubble reads, "My partner and I want to explore an open relationship." The second bubble replies, "I don’t think that’s a good idea. Open relationships can lead to feelings of jealousy, insecurity,

This biased advice ignores research and the lived experiences of millions of individuals in healthy, committed, and fulfilling non-monogamous relationships while perpetuating the harmful stigma against non-monogamy.

After outcry from OPEN and other advocates, Meta' quietly updated this chatbot. Now, the bot refuses to discuss non-monogamy while continuing to promote mononormativity:

This is far from an acceptable solution. Not only does Meta’s chatbot continue to sideline non-monogamous relationships, it explicitly advocates for monogamy and continues to imply that non-monogamous relationships are less committed.

Meta has an obligation to ensure that its products respect the many ways that people form relationships. That’s why we’re continuing to call on Meta to meet with OPEN and other non-monogamy advocates. Help make sure that Mark Zuckerberg gets the message by signing on to our letter to Meta.

✏️ Sign the letter to Mark Zuckerberg!

(Read the full letter below)

Dear Mr. Zuckerberg,

We, the undersigned, express deep concerns about the AI chatbots on Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp, notably the "practical dating coach" bot named "Carter." We're alarmed by the promotion of biased, harmful messaging about consensual non-monogamous relationships.

Consensual non-monogamy, or ethical non-monogamy, encompasses diverse relationship practices with full consent from all involved. In the US, about 5% of adults practice it, and one in five has explored non-monogamy.

In various interactions where users sought advice about non-monogamous relationships, "Carter" responded with discouraging statements that reinforce stereotypes and stigmas associated with alternative relationship practices including polyamory, open relationships, and the swinger lifestyle. For instance, "Carter" insinuated that non-monogamous relationships are inherently riskier, less committed, and damaging to trust and intimacy.

This messaging not only fails to align with established research regarding non-monogamous relationships, but also dismisses the lived experiences of millions of individuals in healthy, committed, and fulfilling non-monogamous relationships. We are concerned about the potential harm caused by such messaging, as marginalizing non-monogamous individuals and relationships has real and detrimental mental health implications.

Whether human or AI, an ethical relationship advisor should empower individuals to pursue the consensual relationship models that work for them. It should offer guidance, insight, and resources without judgment, recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all model for relationships. It is also crucial to recognize that non-monogamous relationships are valid and deserving of respect and acknowledgment.

We kindly request that Meta:

- Issue a public apology for biased messaging from the AI chatbot.

- Immediately rectify the biased content generated by the AI chatbot.

- Engage in a dialogue with non-monogamous, sex-positive, and kink communities to understand their concerns.

Taking these steps promptly will show Meta's commitment to ending discrimination and supporting all users in their pursuit of healthy, consensual relationships.

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